Monday, March 03, 2008

The Name Game

Liberals are up in arms (aren't they always) again about some people using Barack Hussein Obama's middle name. I must confess, I've done that myself. I realize now how insensitive I've been. I didn't realize that thin-skinned Democrats would react so poorly to their own names being spoken. Imagine the suffering it has caused Democrats like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John, Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Why, Harry Truman didn't even have a middle name, but mockers and haters still used his adopted middle initial -- Harry S. Truman. I realize now that using one's given name is worse than water boarding. So, I will continue.


Anonymous said...

Probably hearkens back to the days when their mothers were mad and used their full names before pronouncing sentence! :)

Lone Ranger said...

That's also how we refer to particularly vicious felons.

Trader Rick said...


Anonymous said...

I feel the most sorry for poor George Double-U Bush, though! Imagine being lumped in with all those Dems who use their middle names...


The libs have almost made it a necessity just so we keep free speech alive in the United States in the face of their attempt to silence dissent.