Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rush the Omniscient

Two years ago, Rush predicted EXACTLY what would happen if Republicans sat out the mid-term elections out of frustration:
RUSH: I want to go back to the archives of this program. I want to illustrate for you my prescience. When I tell you that you are on the cutting edge of the societal evolution if you are a regular listener here, this will establish it. October 18th, 2006. This is prior to the November elections, the midterms, and I was getting phone call after phone call from conservatives saying they were not going to vote. They were mad as hell. They were sick and tired of the Foley thing and Macaca. They were sick and tired of Republicans not governing as Republicans, and to hell with it, and this is what I said to them. RUSH ARCHIVES: This notion that it doesn't matter who wins because the Democrats aren't going to have a big enough majority? That's going to lead to another thing that I will share with you. It's going to lead to the nomination of John McCain for the Republican presidential candidacy. In two years, you same people who will have helped bring about an ascension to power by the Democrats, are going to be so angry -- you're going to be so fed up -- over what they have tried to do, over the things they will maybe have accomplished, that you are going to demand power back, and you will accept anybody that you think has a chance of winning it. And right now, that looks like McCain, above anybody else -- who, I must tell you, is not a conservative. And so what are you probably going to end up doing? You're going to be so frustrated by 2008, and the thought of Hillary Clinton becoming president so obnoxious, so abhorrent; that in 2008 you will flush your precious principles down the drain and elect a Republican, precisely the kind of Republican you think you're running against now -- or you will at least nominate one. Who knows how that election will go? So the very principle that you are fighting here, if you succeed, you will be given a candidate who fits the very thing you're angry about: somebody who's not conservative enough but probably has the best chance of winning. RUSH: That was me on October 18th, 2006 -- from this very studio, from behind this very microphone -- telling you what was going to happen if you sat out the '06 November midterms to show those Republicans a lesson, that you were going to empower Democrats and they're going to make you so mad over the things they try to do, and you're going to be so upset and so frightened of Hillary coming along that you will nominate anybody you think can win -- and I specifically predicted, October 18th, 2006, that not voting in 2006 and not holding the House and not holding the Senate, would lead to the nomination of John McCain. It has happened. Don't doubt me. I want to take this a step further. Now that I have your attention, I want to take this a step further, because McCain is the Republican nominee. It is over. Huckabee is going to stay in. There are five caucuses and primaries this weekend, and Tuesday's a biggie, and he'll stay in to see how he does there, but he's going to have to get out, too. But he's going to do what he can to keep angling for the veep slot. He has no chance of getting the veep slot.


Eric said...

I remember him saying this very thing. It's amazing how accurate his predictions turn out to be.

I think his last accuracy audit was 98.7%

That's pretty good. Too bad he doesn't give stock tips.

Lone Ranger said...

O'Reilly has called the last five Superbowls. Maybe you can put some money on him next year.