Monday, February 18, 2008

Just What We Need -- Healthy Criminals

NEW YORK (AP) -- Spending time behind bars in New York City might turn out to be good for your health. The overhauled menu at the city's jails includes no sweets, no butter and only skim milk. The Department of Corrections wants healthy alternatives to traditional jailhouse grub. A breakfast might include fresh fruit, whole wheat bread and wheat flakes. A sample dinner: pepper steak, rice and steamed carrots.

1 comment:


When I was in college we had a former grand dragon from the klu klucking khichens (former because he became a Christian realized God wasn't about hate) said that he had people that would ask the aclu what their jail sentence would be if they committed a certain crime during the winter months.

It's dumb enough to give them weights so they come out bigger and stronger, but to do something that would actually promote doing a crime. Well, I guess only in a liberal state