Sunday, December 09, 2007

Al Gore Snow Job


Mark said...

You stole my thunder. I was going to post an entry today on the myth of global warming and I was going to make at least two of the points contained in this video.

Vigilis said...

LR, thank your for sharing. Every rebuttal of the Al Gore Global Warming Theory/Nobel Peace scam includes more eminently prestigious scientists than the last, but the underlying facts never change.

Eventually, ordinary TV/movie viewers will see Gore for what he actually is: either a con-artist of the highest magnitude, or a man of 6th-8th grade mental capacity.

I anxiously await the coming realization of his cult followers that Gore himself makes a very inconvenient spokesman for any field of popular science.

Tonto said...

Where did you find this? Is there a DVD you can buy?

Would be fun to give this to my nieces and nephews who are required to watch Gore's DVD at their private school!

Mark said...

I went ahead and posted an entry on the Myth of Global warming and I referenced your blog, LR. I guess I'm going to have to snag the video, too, since so far, most of the comments received are from GW believers. Interestingly enough, one of the commenters points out there may be a coming ice age!

Lone Ranger said...

My philosophy is whatever a liberal thinks, believe the exact opposite and you'll never be wrong. So, I'd stock up on long underwear.