Sunday, July 01, 2007

Americans Too Stupid to Name their Children

Who knew this was a problem?
Sociologists and name researchers say they are seeing unprecedented levels of angst among parents trying to choose names for their children. As family names and old religious standbys continue to lose favor, parents are spending more time and money on the issue and are increasingly turning to strangers for help. Some parents are checking Social Security data to make sure their choices aren't too trendy, while others are fussing over every consonant like corporate branding experts. They're also pulling ideas from books, Web sites and software programs, and in some cases, hiring professional baby-name consultants who use mathematical formulas.
Naming a kid is not that big a deal. Just run the first and last name through your mind to see if it has rhythm and then try to think of every possible horrible word it rhymes with. I freely admit that I named my son Jason after a character in my senior high school play, which I wrote. I always liked the name Jason and figured it couldn't hurt. I mean, what kind of name is Mitt?


Anonymous said...

Well, my wife and I are currently going through the process of choosing a name for our baby boy, who will arrive on or about Nov. 9th, and it isn't easy.

You don't want to choose a name that will cause him to be ridiculed endlessly when he goes to school, or one that will cause him to have to constantly correct everyone's spelling for the rest of his life...

Anonymous said...

My son, the math geek, got a kick out of professional baby-name consultants using mathematical formulas.

Maybe there's a career path in there for him. ;)

Lone Ranger said...

I changed my name when I was about 22 because I had one of those names that I was always pronouncing or spelling for people. I justified it to my parents by saying I needed a more common name when I went into broadcasting.

I don't know how the mathematical formula would work unless you're going to name your kid Seven of Nine.

Mark said...

I named all my kids with names that can be shortened by their friends to whatever they prefer if Tthey don't like them. For instance, I named one Anthony so he could be called Tony, or Andy, or even Antoine, if he prefers. He prefers to be called ANTHONY. Another of my sons is named John Wayne so if he doesn't like John, he can call himself Wayne, or even J W. He calls himself John John.

Anonymous said...

A more common name for broadcasting? You're obviously not a weatherman. The network weathermen here are Dallas Raines, Johnny Mountain, and Fritz Coleman. I doubt one name or both first and last are not their real names. ;)

Lone Ranger said...

I've been a weatherman. One of the best jobs I ever had.

Tonto said...

Ok I'll bite...What was your birth name LR? I gotta know now.

My family was as traditional as it comes. In Italian families...first boy is named after the dad's father. Second boy after the mother's father...First girl after the Dad's mother and so on and so on.

All our names are reruns but it makes us proud of our close family heritage and even though the names are not the greatest we all really do like it. My three brothers continued the tradition too.

Hey it worked for the Kennedys.