Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My $400 - $386 Haircut

OK, so I take pride in my hair. I admit it. At age 57, I have a full head of blond hair with just a few strands of gray in my temples. It turns darker in the winter and lighter in the summer -- kind of like an opposite Arctic fox. My Flowbee is my friend. I figure in the last 12 years it's saved me about $1500. Best 50 bucks I've ever spent. So why in the world did I decide Monday to go to a barber shop? I dunno. Hint: If you walk into a barber shop and you see a 90-year-old Muslim standing there holding a straight razor, turn around and run. I didn't. I sat in the chair, prepared to spend the better part of the morning there, since this guy moved like that old man Tim Conway portrayed on the Carol Burnett Show. He asked in barely understandable English how I wanted it and I said, about an inch off the top and tapered in the back. Then he proceeded to do whatever the heck he wanted to do. Short story, I now look like a blond Colonel Oliver North. But the good news is, short hair is preferable for driving a convertible.


Mark said...

Funny post, but I have to admit, I don't understand the headline.

Lone Ranger said...

$400(what Edwards pays) minus $386 = $14. My 14 dollar haircut.

Mark said...

OK Thanks. Hey, check this out!

He didn't pluck yopur eyebrows, did he?

Lone Ranger said...

He asked. I refused.

Anonymous said...

Do you happen to have Dutch ancestry? Most of my Dutch relatives have a full head of hair, they gray later in life, and a lot of them are blonde. :)

Lone Ranger said...

I am German-Russian. I tried to trace my family back once, but I stopped after three generations because I was afraid I'd prove Darwin's Theory.

Ms.Green said...

I don't think I would let any Muslim with a straight razor anywhere near my head...

Lone Ranger said...

Well, he knew I had a gun under that barber cloth. But now I feel I've made my contribution to the terror war.