Saturday, January 06, 2007

A Man's Dream Come True

If I had four of these, I could use my underwear drawer for socks.

Self-cleaning fabrics could revolutionize the sport apparel industry. The technology, created by scientists working for the U.S. Air Force, has already been used to create t-shirts and underwear that can be worn hygenically for weeks without washing.

The new technology attaches nanoparticles to clothing fibers using microwaves. Then, chemicals that can repel water, oil and bacteria are directly bound to the nanoparticles. These two elements combine to create a protective coating on the fibers of the material.

This coating both kills bacteria, and forces liquids to bead and run off.


Anonymous said...

That would be great, but I would rather have self-cleaning dishes or selfprepairing food

Lone Ranger said...

Paper plates and Pop Tarts.

Vigilis said...

There is whole other side to this. Great story, so I borrowed it.