Sunday, October 01, 2006

Professionals At Work

So, it was about 4 am Saturday and I suddenly noticed TV people in the newsroom. Our newsroom is divided into four sections -- TV, radio, news and pod people. I think the pod people are feature writers, because they just stay by themselves in Podland and never seem to be doing anything. Anyway, the pampered TV people NEVER work weekends, which is why they drew my attention. They bustled around doing whatever they were doing until somebody yelled "THE TAPE JAMMED!" The bustling suddenly became a mad stampede. Grown people were running around the newsroom at full speed and yelling things to each other -- something about, "where's the backup?" I was amused. Turns out it was our first TV broadcast to Afghanistan -- something that will be done weekly. Good-bye quiet Saturday mornings.


Justin said...

Hey LR, I wanted to ask if anyone at work knows you blog? Every once in a while you see on the news that someone has been fired for blogging at or about their work. I know you are not intimidated by this stuff, but just wanted to see what your thoughts were.

Lone Ranger said...

No way. I'd be fired, not for blogging about work, but blogging about conservatism. That's why I wear the mask.

My job requires me to surf to dig up news stories. So, we're all on the internet all night. We also have unique phone privelages. It's nothing for me to pick up a phone and call pretty much anywhere in the world to get more info on a story.