Friday, August 11, 2006

Prepare to be Sickened

Be sure to watch 60 Minutes Sunday, even though you, like I, might not have seen it for a decade or more. The program will air an interview 88-year-old Mike Wallace did with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmahnutjob. No matter what you have done in your life -- whether you were a straight-A student, an Eagle Scout, a missionary, a military veteran, a Nobel peace prize winner, you will realize that you are not as good a person as the Iranian president. Shame on you all for not being better people.

And shame on Mike Wallace for not washing this great man's feet.


Tonto said...

I will be watching. I have already heard that Wallace [what happened to him?] tries to make it appear this guy is reasonable because in exchange for not pushing Israel into the red sea...he would agree to move them to some place what a guy...I guess that means he doesn't hate jews after all...since he would consider letting them LIVE.

Lone Ranger said...

Welcome to the family, jo-ann. Stop by and comment often.

Trader Rick said...

I'm a veteran and an Eagle Scout, but I'm not so sure a Nobel Peace prize would do anything but tarnish my resume...