Wednesday, July 05, 2006

If you say something this stupid... should have to leave the country for 90 days and learn why. You know you can only stay in any country for 90 days and then you have to leave even if just for a day before you can come back for another 90 days...well when someone such as Cindy Sheehan says something this stupid she should have to leave the country for 90 days too and go live in Venezuela as a regular ol' citizen of Hugo Chavez and soak it in. Honestly, hyperbole can be a great way to persuade people to your side of the argument, but I actually think this nut is starting to believe leave for a while and maybe she will come back to reality. Any time people like her or Alec Baldwin want to come up with a better place to live than living in a country with Bush as president...the INS should show up at the door tell them to pack a bag and POOF!! gone for the 90 days to the destination country they find so much better and see which ones would come back and SHUT UP!!! once they get here.

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