Sunday, July 16, 2006

Giving Back Gaza...I was wrong

How can this end well?

I advocated giving back Gaza because I thought whatever happens after this the world cannot say Israel didn't do what they"claim" needed to be the Palestinians a piece of land of their own so they could make their own mess with...but I did know better. I knew the Palestinians didn't want their own land to be free to form their own democracy...what a waste of their time when all they want is what the Israelis have and cannot rest until they are gone. They have no interest in their own nation, their own identity, or their own lives. They just want Israel. No Islamic country would help them unless they go after Israel anyway. Their true colors are showing and the world is still pleading their case...I give up.

Israel needs to take some Lone Ranger advice. I read this article and it was the harsh truth I knew Lone Ranger would have dished out. Read here and see what I mean. Strong Words...Hard to Hear...But likely no truer words have been spoken...

The point of this article is to show how predictable it is that appeasement of evil aggression always leads to more evil aggression. Indeed, I have become so weary of making these points over and over again that, a few months ago, I actually gave up on Israel – deciding it was a lost cause to defend people who were unwilling to be responsible with their own national security. After all that, here we are. Israel is battling on two fronts – Gaza and Lebanon – two territories from which it unilaterally withdrew its military presence in what could only be interpreted by its enemies as an unconditional retreat and surrender. Likewise, Israel is on the verge of finalizing plans to do the same thing in the West Bank. If it had completed that operation, it would now be fighting on three fronts. Maybe some good can still come out of this unmitigated policy disaster for Israel. Maybe some official are ready to realize and admit they made some tragic errors. Maybe it's not too late to reverse course. Maybe, if Israel begins to see its very survival is at stake, it will correct course, defend itself and, in the process, do all free people in the world a big favor at the same time. What does Israel need to do now? It needs to do what I have been advocating from the beginning – defeat the bad guys, destroy them, kill them all. Nothing short of this response will do anything more than buy time until the next barbaric assault on Jewish civilians by Hezbollah, which, I understand, translates in Farsi to "Hitlers in headscarves." As I've said before, it's time for Israel to make humus out of Hamas

This is no joke.


Lone Ranger said...

I predicted it too, although I can't find my original post. I said the Palestinians would just use Gaza as a forward base to get their missiles and morters further into Israel. Later, I opined that Israel gave back the land, not to further peace, but to show the world what barbarians the Palestinians are.

You'd think the Arabs would have have learned by now that they're no match for the Jews. Ganging up hasn't shortened the odds, either. The Arab coalition was defeated in 1948, again in 1967 and still again in 1973. The Israelis make quick work of the Arab combinations every time, usually without breaking a sweat. I mean "The Six-Day War," how humiliating is that?

The only thing I regret about this is that it distracts from the Palestinians preoccupation of going at each other's throats and destroying themselves from within.

I think these mighty Muslim warriors have shown that the only way they can win a fight is if it's against unarmed elderly, women and children.

Tonto said...

you said...[this] distracts from the Palestinians preoccupation of going at each other's throats and destroying themselves from within.

Which is exactly why I thought they should give the area to them as well...and yet I should have known they would have done this...this is more of a priority for them anyway.