Sunday, July 16, 2006

Bring Back Carpet Bombing

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Lebanese guerillas fired a relentless barrage of rockets into the northern Israeli city of Haifa on Sunday, killing eight people at a train station and wounding seven others, police said. BASRA, Iraq, July 16 (Reuters) - One British soldier was killed and another wounded during an operation to seize a suspected "terrorist" in Iraq's restive southern city of Basra early on Saturday, the British military said.
The rules are quite clear. The bad guys can lob any kind of weapon they possess and kill anyone who happens to be standing at ground zero and it's reported in the news with the same importance as a passing thundershower. But if the good guys carry out a surgical strike on a strategic target and a brick knocks a passing paperboy off his bike, our enemy and their useful idiot liberal supporters demand a war crimes investigation. The hypocrisy is sickening. In an ideal war, as many bad guys and as few good guys should die as possible. Just because we CAN strike a target with pinpoint precision, doesn't mean we SHOULD. My solution? Bring back carpet bombing. On February 13, 1945, English and American bombers flattened the city of Dresden, killing at least 35 thousand people. Now THAT was war. The allies thought (and rightfully so) that the bombing of entire cities and towns would quickly bring about the collapse of civilian morale in Germany. And it did. Remember the episode of Star Trek, where two planets waged war without weapons? People would just report to death chambers when they received news that their neighborhood had been destroyed in a computer war game. War was sissified to the point where it was no longer intolerable, so people had no reason to stop. Then, Captain Kirk threw a monkey wrench into the civilized process and the two sides had to consider peace. That's what we're doing now. We have so sissified warfare that it is no longer intolerable. When we send our troops into a town we know to be a terrorist hotbed, it's like we are sending them into those Star Trek death chambers. What we should do is flatten the entire town. No more terrorists, no more stronghold. And once that happened a few times, do you think "innocent" civilians would allow those terrorists to operate out of their neighborhoods? In the end, I believe it would result in FEWER deaths of innocents. War used to be hell. We need to make it hell again -- for the enemy. By the way, did you notice how Reuters put quotation remarks around the word terrorist? They still don't get it.


Trader Rick said...

Was it Lee who said, " It's a good thing was is so terrible, or we should grow fond of it?"

I do know it was Stonewall Jackson who said,in rsponse to a lieutenant's query as to what course to take to exact vengeance for a bitter defeat: "kill 'em. Kill 'em all."

The firestorms in Dresden killed more people than either of the atomic bomb drops over Japan.

You are 100% right, Ranger. We have been fighting these people on THEIR terms: foot soldiers with rifles. It's time we fought them on OUR terms... That's how we started this out, that's how we need to finish it. I'm tired of hearing about our servicemen dying in their hum-vees due to booby traps... --Rick

Tonto said...

yyou make so much sense...I know that is why me and many others find it so easy to listen to you.

war should be short and to the point...not discussed ad nauseum once it has begun...Vietnam taught us that.