Sunday, June 04, 2006

I'd Donate My CDs -- If I Had Any

I write the songs that make the whole world cringe I write the songs of love and special things I write the songs that make the young punks flee I write the songs, I write the songs

SYDNEY, June 5, 2006 (AFP) - A local Sydney council has decided on a new weapon in its bid to remove groups of youths from gathering in carparks and disrupting residents -- the music of 1970s crooner Barry Manilow. Officials said that the youths were not causing property damage but were annoying residents by revving their engines and doing wheelies up and down the carpark. To combat that, the Rockdale Council in Sydney's southwest, will pipe the calming tones of Manilow and other music disliked by "rev-heads" in an attempt to prevent them from gathering.
Kids these days are so narrow-minded. When I first got into broadcasting as a disk jockey in 1973, just about every kind of music could hit the Top-40 charts. I remember playing everything from Sinatra, to the Rolling Stones, to the Carpenters, to Roy Rogers. But now, just playing a type of music outside some kid's preferred genre can send him running for the tall grass.

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