Saturday, June 17, 2006

How? How? How?

I took this from Nancy Pelosi's site. I won't link to it because I want to spare you the pain of looking at her picture.

"Our new direction will advance a common agenda, seek common ground, and apply common sense in the service of the common good. We know that with a new direction, we can meet our national challenges in a way that makes our nation stronger, our economy more vibrant, and our families more secure. Instead of record deficits, we will go in this new direction in a fiscally sound way. We will make America more competitive and not heap mountains of debt on future generations."

How? How will they do all that? Dunno. But I'm sure it's simple. This is like the Democrats' national security plan -- big on promises, short on details. The most unbelievable item in the above paragraph is that the Democrats will use common sense. When has THAT ever happened?

Also, Democrats slavishly cling to their talking points. Look for "culture of corruption" to go away and "new direction" or "change of direction" to start popping up all over the place. They're like wind-up toys, they all say the same things at the same time. It could conceivably be made into a drinking game. Vote for me and I'll teach every American child how to fly like a bumblebee.


Gayle said...

I'll vote for you. I want to learn how to fly! :)

"advance a common agenda, seek common ground, and apply common sense in the service of the common good."

1. Their common agenda: Bush bashing.
2. Common ground they already have: Bush bashing.
3. Common sense. I don't think so. You have to have some sense to begin with before you can find "common sense." If they had any they wouldn't be lieberals.
4. Common good? I don't think so. They don't know about anything good. They want to keep all of us "common" folk dependent on them.


Lone Ranger said...

I like your way of thinking. By the way, did I mention I'd have to raise taxes on everyone to pay for your flying lessons? The government can't giveth unless it first taketh away.

Oh, and I haven't been having that problem with comments. Must be your imagination.

I'd suggest you contact Blogger but, pffft, when has that ever worked?