Tuesday, June 13, 2006

How Does it Feel to Be A Liberal?

I'm at the point in my career where I just don't make mistakes. I've been in that place for a few decades. Of course, I made mistakes when I was learning my trade. I remember once forgetting to pack a camera cable when I was going to cover the USS Missouri as it sailed into Pearl Harbor. Mad dash back to the bureau to get the cable, mad dash back, still managed to get a good shot. But I never said anything that got me into trouble when I was on TV or in radio. There are a lot of broadcast bigshots who can't say that. When I did make mistakes, I was thoroughly embarrassed and contrite. I told you that to tell you this. How must it feel to be wrong all the time about everything? How does a person feel who doesn't have a single correct thought in his head? What does it feel like to be a liberal? You can tell by their language that they're uncomfortable in that position. They resent people who have convictions. They have opinions. They don't believe in decisiveness. They call it opinionated. They don't have confidence. They call it arrogance. Yet, no matter how many times they're wrong, they never change their "opinion." How can anyone stay sane under those circumstances? Perhaps they can't. Liberalism could be a mental disorder.


Mark said...

Dan Trabue, in comments over at my place has proven the truth of this post on numerous ocassions and is still doing so.

After I explained why I don't answer his questions, He still continues to hammer me with the same inane questions. If he really wanted to know the answers, which he doesn't, He has a computer, and acess to the internet. He can do his own research. As for myself I already know the answers. I have nothing to prove.

Lone Ranger said...

I wish he'd try that on me. I'd eviscerate him. I've never had that problem with a serial idiot, but if I did, after embarrassing him, I wouldn't even read his posts, I'd just toss them. This blog does not exist to give the left a soapbox from which to spout their nonsense. It's all very clear in my comments policy.