Monday, May 15, 2006

Watch Newt

Newt Gingrich was on Meet the Press Sunday and again he made more sense than any other politician I've seen recently. This guy just has a knack for making complex issues sound simple. And he doesn't talk about problems, he talks about solutions. One thing he told Tim Russert is that the Democrats could never come up with a Contract with America like the Republicans did to take over Congress. The reason? Democrats are so far to the left that a contract with America would expose them as the radical, anti-American liberals they are. What could a Democratic contract with America possibly say? We will raise taxes? We will broaden the welfare state? We will make unlimited, unconditional abortion a human right? We will once again emasculate our military and intelligence services? We will turn tail and run from Iraq? It would be a farcical document surpassing their national security plan, that could finally put the last nail in this loathsome party's coffin. Watch Newt. He's sounding more and more like he will run for President next time around. And he's sounding more and more like someone who would get my vote. His arguments are so good that the Democratic Party would have no choice (as if they wanted a choice) but to do what they do best and smear his character to gain points. And sadly, that might just work. If a Republican has so much as a spot of mud on his suit, his gutless fellow Republicans will stay away from him, fearing that the mud might rub off on them. But if a Democrat rolls in the gutter, fellow Democrats will hoist him on their shoulders and parade him through the streets, not caring how filthy they get in the process.


Anonymous said...

I agree with your analysis - every word of it.
And as for Newt, he may be the one who not only could win the next Presidential election (he'd get my vote too), but who could really bring this great nation closer to what it should be...

Lone Ranger said...

Newt is a historian. He knows the core principles of the Founding Fathers. And he knows how things go bad when people stray from their core priniciples.

Mark said...

I like Newt. But the media skewered him so completely when he was speaker of the house, that I fear he still carries that stigma around with him. Can he overcome it enough to win the conficence of the rank and file of Americans?

Lone Ranger said...

Since smear tactics are the only weapon Democrats have, of course this will follow him around. And more, if there is more. But Americans (other than Democrats) know who the liars are. Speak plainly and truthfully and the sky's the limit. Take strength in the fact that only 20 percent of Americans classify themselves as liberals.

Lone Ranger said...

Oh, and let's not forget that Newt has not said he's running. That's just my conjecture. He's playing it coy like most of the other politicians. At least he doesn't break out in that nerve-jangling cackle like Hillary does whenever she's asked.