Sunday, April 02, 2006

Time is Relative

For the first time in my life, I got bitten by daylight savings time today. As I was pulling into my parking space at work, my cell phone let out a Tarzan yell. It was one of the editors wondering if I was coming in. I glanced at my watch and saw that because of heavy traffic, I was 12 minutes late. But I'm known for my punctuality, so it didn't seem strange that they'd be checking up on me so soon. It was about three hours later that I noticed the TV programming didn't match up with the schedule. I have four clocks at my desk, but none of them show local time. They show GMT, Bangkok, Beijing and Tokyo. It was only then that I looked at my computer clock and saw it was an hour later than my watch showed. So, I'd actually been an hour and 12 minutes late. Rats! For some reason, I had it in my head to set my clocks forward tonight, not this morning. My sense of time is always screwed up anyway because while it's Sunday here, I'm writing stories that happen Monday in East Asia. After being on the third shift for 12 years, and for two years on my last job, I can't get used to these sissy hours. Time bombs keep going off in my face. Well, one more week of evening shift and I'm going back to overnights. And thus concludes one of my more boring posts. Happens every time I talk about myself.

1 comment:

Trader Rick said...

We hoosiers are doing this daylite thing for the first time ever! Boy, are the dairy cows p.o.'d!! not to mention the chickens. the Roosters are particularly anoying now.;)