Monday, April 03, 2006

So That's What A Race Card Looks Like

Cynthia McKinney is not only an anti-Semite and a racist, she is a racialist. Like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc., she engages in identity politics for her personal benefit. Her entire career is based upon her ability to foment hatred among blacks against whites. Every time her arrogant and irresponsible actions get her into trouble, she flashes the race card, knowing spineless politicians will back down. I'm hoping it doesn't work this time. One problem with being the center of attention is that it often involves unwelcome scrutiny. If there is one person in the House who can't afford close scrutiny, it is McKinney. This is a woman who has accepted campaign contributions from employees of groups that support terrorist organizations, according to Federal Election Commission records. This is one of the flakes who implied that the Bush Administration knew in advance about September 11 and deliberately held back the information so the President's friends could profit from war. When she was defeated in 2002 after a decade in Congress, she claimed that "hostile corporate media," allied with Republicans, "repeated falsehoods" about her, "distorted" her positions, and drove her from "my seat." This is the woman who appeared with Louis Farrakhan, calling globalization a "cruel hoax," and has advocated for brutal Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe. This is the person who seems to think that because she is a black, female, progressive member of Congress, she should be immediately recognizable and placed above the laws that forbid assaulting a police officer. Can you imagine Condi Rice coming up with a pitiful excuse like that, much less getting caught up in such a stupid controversy? I could be typing all night, but take a look at her radical resume. Now, it is revealed that she flew Isaac Hayes to a grand opening of her congressional office in Atlanta with a thousand dollars that was slated for office supplies. That's against House rules. I'm sure she would never survive a full-scale probe into her activities. In short, this is a woman who is making this country worse, not better. I hope the Capitol Police go all the way with this one and she ends up wearing an orange suit. Well, one can hope.


Anonymous said...

1) And she will get a free pass from the press.

2) If the assault occurred at the screen station, there should be video tape of it (which may be why the case was referred to the prosecutor). Presuming that there is, what are the odds of the ACLU going to court to gains its release? Never mind, that's a pretty stupid question. Unless, of course, the tape shows that the officer assaulted her. Then they will fight tooth and nail.

Trader Rick said...

When I grew up in the Deep South in the 50's, Blacks were hated because they were a different race and considered inferior. Well it took 50 years but most of us got beyond that. But now, due to useful idiots like this congressswoman, white people are learning to resent Blacks for new reasons, and not racial ones: Their leaders are jerks... She, and these hollywood types that come to her defense set race relations back by decades. Sorry, just my rant.

Go Gators, 2006 National Champions.

Lone Ranger said...

Coincidentally, we just started a system at work where people who have ID badges don't have to go through the metal detector or the X-ray. Although all the guards know me by sight, I wouldn't expect to get through without my badge. And I certainly would never assault a guy who carries a gun. Neither would I claim racism if I did have an altercation with a guard, even though the majority of them are African (real Africans from Africa. I don't know what's going on there).

Especially with this illegal immigration issue brewing, I'm hoping people are getting fed up with these liberal race baiters and that she will get slapped down -- either by the Capitol Police or by the voters.

Possum said...

The telling aspect of her situation was in her interview with Wolf Blitzer. Not known for being a conservative by any stretch, Blizter actually did a great job being a sharp journalist (in my opinion, considering your profession) in his questions. Her response boiled down to "there are only X number of black women in congress and they should know us by sight."

She also used the term "racial profiling" and then proceeded to deny she said "racial profiling, and you can check the transcript."

Man does that woman have the race-chip on her shoulder! Seems to me that Atlanta voters are as incompetent at picking law abiding reps as Chicago and DC voters are.