Thursday, April 13, 2006

Elect Me. I'll Solve the Immigration Problem

Everything everyone is saying about illegal immigration is either a lie or flat-out wrong. There is no logic at all being applied to the illegal immigration problem and if nothing is done about it, it will eventually destroy this country. We are the only nation in the world that allows the almost unrestricted illegal immigration of third-world people. Even Mexico deports more illegals than we do. Liberals and politicians say it is impossible to seal off the Mexican border. Nonsense! We have no trouble sealing off the border between the two Koreas. That's precisely why landmines were invented. Nobody is going to walk through a minefield to get a job picking fruit -- after the first few times. We don't need to build a wall. All we need is a fence with lots of minefield warning signs. We are being invaded and have the right as a sovereign nation to stop the invasion by any means possible. Also, put the military on the border. They are constitutionally authorized to protect our borders. Invasion by foreigners is not a police matter, it is a military matter. Seal off the border before we do anything else. Liberals and politicians say we can't track down 11 million people. Nonsense! I'll bet if 11 million people stopped paying their taxes, the government would track down every single one of them and find prison space for them. If illegal immigrants apply for a job, walk into a hospital emergency room, try to put their kids in school, apply for any social services, scoop them up. And pass a Constitutional amendment that children born of illegal immigrants could not automatically become American citizens. Liberals and politicians say it is impossible for employers to determine the legal status of the people they hire. Nonsense! There is no problem checking the status of honest citizens when they want to buy a gun. Put such a system into place for employers and then make it a felony for them to hire illegal aliens -- with jail time as punishment. No fines -- prison. And any city that declares itself to be a sanctuary and refuses to enforce immigration laws will lose every single cent of federal funding. The federal government had no problem threatening to withhold highway funds from any state that didn't impose that idiotic 55 mph speed limit. They should have no problem withholding all funds to rogue cities that break the law. When the jobs and the welfare dry up, the illegals will leave. Repeal Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law. Kennedy's bill cut the number of European immigrants in half and increased Third World immigrants to 85 percent of the total. It totally transformed the make-up of this country and is a primary cause of many of the problems we have today. Instead of attracting the skilled and educated, we are now attracting the unskilled, uneducated and unwilling to assimilate. Ted Kennedy is the one person most responsible for ruining this country -- but that's for another post. Liberals and politicians say there are jobs Americans won't do. Nonsense! Repeal some of the stupid child labor laws and repeal minimum wage laws. Farmers won't let their crops rot in the fields. They'll pay decent wages to attract employees. And youth unemployment is a real problem in this country. Remember when you'd pull into a gas station and there would be a teenager there to fill your tank, check your oil and wipe your windows? Now, teens and college students have been priced out of the market because liberals believe non-skilled and entry-level employees should be paid enough to support a family. Anything I've missed? Oh yes, elect politicians who have a spine. I didn't vote for Bush last time around precisely because he is totally gutless when it comes to illegal immigration. I predict that Newt Gingrich is going to run in 2008. He not only has some good ideas, he's good at explaining them. Anybody who takes a tough stand on immigration is a shoo-in. Don't expect any Democrats to be tough. If they sound tough, they're lying.


Trader Rick said...

By far one of the best articles I've read this year on any subject, anywhere. You got my vote! Hear, hear!!