Friday, March 03, 2006

This Day in Republican History 3/03/06

March 3, 1865 Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves


rich bachelor said...

Looks like you guys, as always, were doing some pretty good work in the 1800's.

Lone Ranger said...

Republicans did some pretty good work in the 1900s too. Were it up to the Democrats, women could not vote, there would still be Jim Crow laws, black codes, segregation and lynchings. And there would be NO civil rights legislation.

And Republicans continue to do good work in the 21st century, fighting Democrats to destroy the welfare system that shattered black society, pushing school vouchers so kids of all races and economic circumstances can receive quality education and trying to stop the slaughter of unborn babies.

As long as there is a Democratic Party, the work of Republicans will never be done.