As you have seen in an earlier post, the Democrats have come up with a barn-burner of a national security plan. If you haven't already done so, read this first. But you know me, I used to train Marines, so no matter how simple a plan is, I can simplify it further. So, without further ado, here is my National Security Plan. ENERGY INDEPENDENCE To Free America from Dependence on Foreign Oil, I will: Stop the oil companies from assassinating inventors who come up with things like that pill that turns water into gasoline or the carburetor that gets 1,000 miles to the gallon. WORLD PEACE To Free the World from War, Starvation and Overpopulation, I will: Terra-form all the planets in the solar system to make them safe for human habitation, and build a fleet of giant spaceships to relocate "incompatible" cultures to places where they will be happy. For instance, Muslims will be settled on Mars, which has a desert climate favored by the Prophet Muhammad. There, they can happily wage never-ending tribal warfare and bathe themselves in glory -- like Klingons. Lesbians would be sent to Venus, where they could form a society of short-skirted, spear-carrying Amazon warriors like in 1958's Queen of Outer Space with Zsa Zsa Gabor. It would be against the law for male astronauts to travel to Venus, seduce some Amazon warriors and topple the evil Queen Hillary. Scientologists could have Mercury, because of their vast experience with atomic radiation and volcanic eruptions. 21st CENTURY MILITARY To Ensure Unparalleled Military Strength and Honor our Troops, I will: Build an army of indestructible cyborg soldiers that can transform into trucks, helicopters and jets to transport themselves and supplies to the battlefield. Just in case, put an emergency "off" switch under the left armpit (or wheel or wing) of each cyborg, where the enemy will never find it. Enact a GI Bill of Rights for the 21st Century that guarantees our retired veterans and their families receive the pay, health care, mental health services, and other benefits they have earned and deserve -- except for their cheating ex-wife, who will no longer get half my retirement check and can rot in Hell for all I care! WAR ON TERROR (See WORLD PEACE) BORDER SECURITY Snipers.
Gee, Ranger, why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel about ex-wives?
Having had two of them divorce me and strip me of all my worldly goods, I have now determined the best course of action is to just find a woman who doesn't like me and buy her a house!
DISCLAIMER: This is just my national security plan. Any resemblance to the life of anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
How about some judicial reform...
I think juries should take on some additional responsibility. In addition to determining the fate of the defendant, they should also pass judgment on the attorneys and judges. If they determine that either one is an idiot, then each should be sentenced to...hum, the possibilities...this may require some more thought.
Amen to Steve's idea.
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