Thursday, March 09, 2006

Democrats Win, Americans Lose

The Dubai ports deal is dead. The Democrats, with the help of some weak-kneed Republicans, managed to force the Dubai company to back out. I could chalk this up to racism. I could say the Democrats were profiling Arabs. But to do that, I'd have to assume that Democrats care a whit about national security. They don't. But by killing this deal, the pro-terrorist Democrats managed to undermine the war on terror, discredit the president (their real goals) and appear to care about national security. It was a perfect trifecta. The Dubai company will now transfer the port operations to "an American entity." Who would that be? I think the repercussions of this treachery will be felt for a long time. Next, the Dems will have to outlaw Muslims from running convenience stores. Who knows what they're slipping into our Slushies?


Eric said...

I was under the impression that the weak-kneed republicans beat the Dems to the punch... to the ire and frustration of messers Reid and Schumer...

Wasn't it, in the end, Republicans who killed this deal?

Lone Ranger said...

Once it became clear that Democrats had the votes to block the deal and override a veto, Republicans (not the weak-kneed ones) blocked the deal to take it away from the Democrats as an issue. But Republicans should have presented a unified front from the beginning. What possible reason could there be for siding with the Democrats on ANY issue?? They weren't concerned about national security when the Chinese took over port operations on the left coast -- and on both ends of the Panama Canal. The point is, what happens now? Dubai could block our warships from using their port. After all, if they can't be trusted to keep the books on our port operations, how can they be trusted to service our Navy? They could switch to Airbus for the purchase of their airliners instead of Boeing's new plane. There are any number of ways they could punish us if they decide to be vindictive. I could understand if this were paranoia on the part of the Democrats. But it wasn't. Clearly, if the Bush administration had taken 45 days to brief Congress, it wouldn't have made a bit of difference. This was just a cynical effort to make political hay during an election year and I think it has damaged this country. This will also provide valuable propaganda to the jihadists. Watch. The word will now go out on Al-Jazeera and in the "Arab streets" that the reason this deal was quashed is that Americans hate Muslims, yada, yada, yada.

I need to invest money in a company that makes flammable American flags.

Anonymous said...

Americans might not hate muslins but muslims most certainly hate Americans. The koran says they must, just read it if you don't think so.