Thursday, February 02, 2006

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

In the small circle of pain within the skull You still shall tramp and tread one endless round Of thought, to justify your action to yourselves, Weaving a fiction which unravels as you weave, Pacing forever in the hell of make-believe Which never is belief: this is your fate on earth And we must think no further of you. -- T.S. Elliot One of the wackier and more racist and hateful "black leaders," NAACP head Julian Bond, spoke at Fayetteville State University in North Carolina last night, equating the Republican Party with the Nazi Party and characterizing Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her predecessor, Colin Powell, as "tokens."

"The Republican Party would have the American flag and the swastika flying side by side," he charged.

Calling President Bush a liar, Bond told the audience at the historically black institution that this White House's lies are more serious than the lies of his predecessor's because Clinton's lies didn't kill people. "The Republican Party would have the American flag and the swastika flying side by side," he charged. "We now find ourselves refighting old battles we thought we had already won," he said. "We have to fight discrimination whenever it raises its ugly head." The talk so infuriated at least one black family in attendance among the 900 in the auditorium that they got up and walked out in protest.

I can't understand how someone can reach Bond's age and still be so clueless (ie stupid). Who is "we," Mr. Bond? Do you even know that the NAACP was founded by Republicans? Do you even care that the battles were fought against Democrats? And where were you when those battles were being fought? Clinton's lies didn't kill people? How about those bombs he dropped on Iraq every time he was caught with his pants down? Surely a cleaning lady or two were killed during those pre-dawn air strikes. How about a 13-year-old boy and his mother who were shot to death by an FBI sniper at Ruby Ridge? How about 86 men, women and children who were burned to death at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas? Has George Bush ever sent American troops to kill Americans?? It is Julian Bond who is the token. The Democratic Party has NEVER installed blacks in positions as powerful as Secretary of State. Yet Bond carries water for the party that enslaved his ancestors, that lynched blacks during his lifetime. His hateful words sully the memory of all the REAL civil rights activists who preceded him.

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