Friday, January 20, 2006

This Day in Republican History 1/20/06

January 20, 2001 Mississippi Republican Rod Paige is confirmed as first African-American U.S. Secretary of Education; calls for school choice to allow poor and minority children to “throw off their chains” Another first for Republicans. Where were the Democrats? Democrats have fought against every single civil rights program that has ever come down the pike. They fought against equality for blacks, they fought against equality for women and now they are fighting against equality in education. Their current battle to prevent disadvantaged kids from getting school vouchers is just another example of how they keep the poor and minorities down.


Mark said...

This day in Republican history: Ronald Wilson Reagan inaugarated as 40th President.

Lone Ranger said...

It is also the day that Iranian "radicals" (am I being redundant?) released 52 American hostages who had been held for 444 days of the Carter administration. Carter has tried to take credit for the release, saying it was negotiated on his watch, but I think even the crazy Iranians realized that after 444 days of Carter's dithering, there was now a MAN in the White House and the bombs would begin falling within the week.