Monday, January 09, 2006

The Circus Comes to Town

Democrats said last week that they may block the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr., depending on the answers the nominee gives at his Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings, which begin today. Sen. Charles E. Schumer (heh, my spell-checker called him Schemer), New York Democrat and a member of the committee, said that if Judge Alito refuses to answer questions on issues that Democrats deem vital, the party will be more likely to block the nomination. This will all come down to abortion. The party of slavery, the party of segregation, the party of the KKK is now the party of infanticide. From the big lie that abortion would be performed only in cases of rape, incest or danger to the "mother," the Democrats have gone to partial birth abortions for any or no reason at all. Slippery slope, slippery slope. In the entire history of this country, whenever the Democrats have been faced with a moral choice, they have always come down on the wrong side of the fence. It will be no different during the Alito confirmation hearings. Prepare to be sickened.


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Lone Ranger said...

Thanks! We were meant to be.