Monday, December 19, 2005

We Don't Lose! We're Americans!

Think hard now, when have American troops ever lost a war? American troops are the best-armed, best-trained, best-disciplined warriors the world has ever seen. In the entire history of this country, we have seldom lost a battle, much less a war. When we put boots on the ground, we advance, despite a few setbacks, until our objective is won. It is politicians who lose wars. It was the Truman administration that fought the Korean War to a negotiated draw, condemning millions of North Koreans to more than five decades of starvation, torture, repression, executions and all the other atrocities that go with living in a Stalinist state. Truman did not listen to one of the greatest Generals in this country's history -- General MacArthur -- who wanted to march into North Korea and beat the Chinese back to their own borders. We had the power then to march into Beijing and stop decades of ChiCom evil before it began. It was the Johnson administration that fought the Vietnam War to a negotiated draw, leaving millions of Southeast Asians to be murdered, tortured, imprisoned and brutalized in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. He micromanaged the war from the White House war room, ignoring his commanders in the field. He hamstrung our troops. For all their crocodile tears about "torture" (making chauvinistic terrorists wear women's panties on their head), liberal elitists don't give a wit about the suffering of millions of people of color in remote parts of the world. Out of sight, out of mind. But now we have a Commander-in-Chief who trusts his generals, who loves his troops and is loved in return. Could any rational person REALLY believe our warriors, the best warriors the world has ever seen, could lose to these ragtag terrorists? Nobody ever said liberals were rational. Democrats like Dean, Kerry, Murtha, Pelosi, Kennedy, etc. say we're losing the war in Iraq and their blind sheep followers actually believe it. The possibility that we could lose the war in Iraq isn't even on my radar. But then, I'm rational.

1 comment:


HURAH, Thank You.