Saturday, December 24, 2005

Judge Rules Against Common Sense...Again

A federal judge has overturned California's ban on the sale of extremely violent video games to children, using the liberal dodge that it violates freedom of speech. Never mind that often the only speech in those types of games are the screams of the dying. Again, a judge has overturned the will of the people. After World War II, researchers found that more than a third of our troops never actually fired at the enemy. They either didn't fire their weapons at all or fired into the air -- even when their own lives were in extreme danger from opposing forces. It seems that Americans -- even American warriors -- find killing to be distasteful. So, the Army made some changes to desensitize our troops. One of the simpler, but more effective changes was to substitute the human torso target for the old bull's eye. That one change made a radical difference in the attitude of troops. If something that simple can change attitudes, imagine how much violent TV shows, movies and video games can make on the minds of children. I used to carry a gun to school. Yup, I was in the 8th grade, going to a little one-room schoolhouse in the Black Hills of South Dakota and we were allowed to bring our rifles to school so we could do some hunting after classes. That would horrify people today who think any armed person is a murderous psychotic. But kids back then hadn't been desensitized to violence. Although we carried guns, the thought of shooting someone never entered our head. We were FAR less violent than the kids of today who see violence every hour of every day. And some liberal judge wants the brainwashing of our kids to continue.


Mark said...

A student who carries a gun to school today most likely IS a murderous psychotic! But that makes your point, doesn't it?


I would have been in trouble, along wih all my classmates because we all carrid jacknives and would also go hunting and fishing after school

Lone Ranger said...

To quote one of G. Gordon Liddy's book titles, "When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country." He's much older than I, by the way.