Sunday, December 18, 2005

Ignore Liberals, Be Happy

Victor Davis Hanson -- who, I guess uses his middle name because of the gray in his temples -- writes an uplifting piece for National Review Online. Uplifted -- that's something you feel if you are NOT a liberal.

But in the real adult world, the economy is red-hot, not mired in joblessness or relegating millions to poverty. Unemployment is low, so are interest rates. Growth is high, as is consumer spending and confidence. Our Katrina was hardly as lethal as the Tsunami or Pakistani earthquake. Thousands of Arabs are not rioting in Dearborn. American elderly don’t roast and die in the thousands in their apartments as was true in France. Nor do American cities, like some in China, lose their entire water supply to a toxic spill. Americans did not just vote to reject their own Constitution as in some European countries.
It must be awful to be a liberal -- nothing but doom and gloom from cradle to grave -- assuming you aren't aborted before you've reached the cradle.

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