Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas is Killing the Planet

Here is scientific evidence why Christmas is bad for us. This time it's the Aussies who weigh in.

Last Christmas, Australians spent $1.1 billion on clothes, which required more than 1.2 million acres of land to produce, it said.

Water that would approximately fill 42,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools was used in the production of Christmas drinks last December — most was used to grow barley for beer and grapes for wine.

Lesson: To save the environment, stay away from mixed drinks.


Lone Ranger said...

Maybe they should have done the study in Utah.


As long as we get global warming out of it I'm all for it. It's cold here.
Or are the enviromentalists claiming global cooling this week?

Lone Ranger said...

From what I understand, global warming is also causing harsh winters. Even with the cold weather, ND isn't what it used to be. When I left in 1969 to go into the Air Force, there were 12-foot snow drifts on either side of the road. Now, my best friend's farm is a lake.

Cathy said...

In order for folks to have a Merry Christmas in my little corner of the world... everyone needs to just stay away from my Maker's Mark and Ketel One... got that?

tugboatcapn said...

Does this study assert that people would not have eaten, or consumed drinks, or worn clothes were it not for Christmas?

I don't follow their logic on this one.

I do all of that stuff all year round, however I am unaware whether eating and drinking and wearing clothes on a daily basis are customary in Australia...

Virgil Rogers said...

"Lesson: To save the environment, stay away from mixed drinks."

To which I would add regarding the clothes:

"...and run around nekked..."

Lone Ranger said...

It's Australia, they already do.