Sunday, December 04, 2005

Another Phony Scandal

Journalists are now expressing "concern" (pffft) that the military has been "planting" stories in Iraq's media -- possibly paying some Iraqi journalists to print them. So what? Our own media certainly won't print positive news about the war. They are squarely on the side of Al Jazeera in aiding and supporting the enemy. These stories are written by military personnel, who see the action up close and personal, and we know through military blogs that a lot of them are better writers than the journalists who are complaining. We already have outfits like Voice of America, who are broadcasting in Iraq. What's wrong with getting our side of the story into print media too? The left in this country just doesn't seem to grasp that we are at WAR. And for our biased MSM to lecture the government about journalistic ethics is a grotesque joke!



I guess the Bagdad Betty (Katie Couric) hates the competion.

Cathy said...

Baghdad Betty! Good One!

Lone Ranger said...

Reeducation camp? Gee, I've always wanted to go to an ivy league school.

Mark said...

That's what i was thinking. It seems to me we NEED to pay for it. We certainly can't depend on the Mainstream press to tell the truth without being bribed.