Friday, November 11, 2005

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

Mary Mapes strode boldly into the enemy territory of Fox News to appear on the O'Reilly Factor last night and Fox and Friends this morning. The woman is totally clueless. She still believes the fake documents she used to try to smear President Bush are authentic, although she has not attempted to prove it. She still believes Bush went into the Air Guard to avoid service in Vietnam, even though driving a jet fighter is one of the most dangerous jobs in the military in wartime or in peace. She still believes she engaged in good, old-fashioned journalism, even though the story got her and Dan Rather canned. I was just slack-jawed watching her because in her mind, she was right and the rest of the world is wrong. Just astounding. By the way, she was treated with the utmost respect and courtesy on both programs, unlike Michelle Malkin's brutal savaging by Chris Matthews on Hardball.