Saturday, November 26, 2005

Hello, Kitty

This is Ginger. Ginger was found abandoned in a barn with some other pets after her owner moved away. According to her description, she's 8-12, declawed, and was starving and afraid of everybody and everything when she was found. Just the kind of neurotic pet for me. I'm not in favor of declawing cats. That's like removing a human's fingers. But considering the neglect she suffered in the past, I figured she'd want an owner who would spoil her for the rest of her life. So, I proceeded to fill out the "adoption application." I have filled out car rental applications that were less intrusive than this form. The first questions were reasonable -- address, phone number, what kind of home, what kind of people in the home, etc. But then they wanted the name and address of my renter and my employer. Where would the cat, eat, sleep, hit the litter box, etc. And -- I had to really swallow my indignation on this -- would I allow a home inspection. I answered "yes" only because I thought they wouldn't take me up on it. You'd think with seven-million dogs and cats being euthanized every year that they'd be a wee bit less picky in their "adoption" policies. I should have just gone out on the street and scooped up the first collarless cat I saw. I'll keep you updated on this saga. Egads! If I pass the cavity search and get this cat, this might become one of those cutesy cat story blogs.


Cathy said...

Hang in there Kimosabe... I'm amazed at the red tape there is for adopting an animal...

Hey...Maybe we can schedule a playdate for our cats... wouldn't that be special?

Lone Ranger said...

AHA! I have discovered another chick magnet!

Cyndi L said...

DH and I have adopted 3 neglected/abused dogs and cats over the years. Although they can be really frustrating while they learn to trust again, they are also by far some of the most rewarding animals we've had. Good for you :-)

J.M. Rob said...

Best of luck with Ginger. My wife and I have adopted 5 cats and foster the occasional dog when we come acoss one in need.

bothenook said...

beautiful colors. good luck with the snoopy officials.