Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Veterans Day to Me

My family had an unbroken history of military service that dated back to World War I. That all changed on November 3, 1992, when Bill Clinton was elected. I called a family meeting and announced that I was retiring. I also suggested that my two sons not enlist. The next day I was in the retirement office and got out six years short of 30. I was not about to serve a man who would (and I knew he would) disgrace this country at every turn. I also remembered the depressing Carter years and did not want to go through that again. I was one of the first military members out the door -- to soon be followed by thousands of others. I don't regret the thousands of dollars I've lost in pension, since that's also money that does not go into my unfaithful ex-wife's bank account. But I do regret that my sons have no military experience. As far as I'm concerned, spending time in the military is the most valuable thing a person can do. It's more valuable than a college education. It instills skills, management and leadership abilities and character that will last a lifetime. I am convinced I can handle anything life throws at me because of my military training and experience. But I'm sorry I deprived my sons of that advantage. At any rate, Happy Veterans Day to anyone who has had the privilege and honor of wearing the uniform. (Since I'm the only person in the entire newsroom tonight to have been in the military, I just took credit for their holiday pay. Sweet.)

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