Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Gimme That Old Time Religion

I made this post back in January, and I think it's worth repeating. I respect all religions. Pffft. No I don't. That's just goofy. Let me tell you what I mean. Some liberal airheads make a big show about respecting ALL religions. They view Islam on the same plane as Judaism, as Christianity, as Buddhism. These people don't have the slightest idea what they're talking about. Logically, it could be true that all religions are false, but it can't possibly be true that all religions are true. For instance, if one religion teaches that there is one God and another teaches that there are hundreds of gods, either one religion is true or both are false. They can't both be true. And I don't respect falsehoods. It's a waste of time, not to mention an insult to one's intelligence. Anyone who says he respects all religions or respects everyone's beliefs actually thinks all religions are a load of bunk and is being condescending and hypocritical. Religion is not a club, it is a relationship with a higher authority -- God. How do you tell the difference? Simple. Ask questions. Don't disengage your brain when the subject turns to religion. The God I found does not strike down people who question His religion. Although, if you're a Muslim, you might want to be discreet about it. Questioning Islam CAN get you the death penalty. How do you judge a religion? The same way you'd shop for a car or a house or a can of baked beans. Ask questions. Compare. First, look at the central figure in the religion, if it has one. What was he like? How did he live? Is this someone you'd like as a friend? It seems that most people check our their children's friends more closely than they check out their religious figures. Second, what does the religion teach? Are airplanes gods? Is the cargo they drop gifts from God? Well then, you can eliminate the South Pacific Cargo Cult as a valid religion. That's one of the easier ones. It's time to make a major point here. Just because you don't respect a person's religion doesn't mean you should disrespect the people who believe or practice it. This is about common sense, not about bigotry. One thing you should NOT do is judge a religion by the people who do NOT follow its teachings. It is a favorite tactic of liberal bigots or the young and stupid to dismiss Christianity because of the Spanish Inquisition or the Catholic child abuse stories or Jim Bakker or other such specious reasons. Look at the Bible and tell me where authority is given for such acts. Don't be influenced by a religion just because it is big, powerful and wealthy. There are too many religions or sects that buy respectability. Once again, look at what they teach. If a Christian sect teaches anything other than the Bible, that's it. I don't know what it is, but it isn't Christian. If an Islamic sect teaches anything other than the Koran and the Hadiths, it simply isn't Islamic. No matter how loudly they might protest, Christian Scientists aren't Christians and the Nation of Islam are not Muslims. Take your time, look at every angle and keep an open mind. Do your homework. There is no subject in the history of mankind more important than religion. God exists. If you approach the search for God with the attitude that He does not exist, you will not find Him. Saying that God does not exist is like saying there is -- or is no -- intelligent life on other planets. How do you know? Searching for God requires an open mind. How do I know God exists? I did the homework. I opened my mind and didn't stop looking until I found Him. In all my searching, I never once came across evidence that there is no God. I didn't find Him in Islam, I didn't find Him in Buddhism, I didn't find Him in Taoism, I didn't find Him in South Pacific Cargo Worship. But I did eventually find Him. I am a journalist. That is not my profession so much as my lifelong attitude. I argue from a position of fact and logic, not from emotion. Unlike liberals, I do not base my opinions on other people's opinions. I have an open, but skeptical mind. And I found God. Best thing that ever happened to me. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find Him yourself.

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