Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Day the Music Died

Where are all the good anti-war songs? There is an anti-war movement. They are just as clownish as the anti-Vietnam War movement of the 60s-70s. And judging by some of the white beards and bald heads, some of them are the same people. We hear the screaming. We hear the profanity. We hear the stupid slogans. But we don't hear the music. Is the left so intellectually bankrupt that they can't even turn out a few good protest songs? I'm not talking about the angry filth in the Rolling Stones' "Sweet Neo-Con." I'm talking about stuff that even our troops used to hum over 30 years ago. Come to think of it, when's the last time you heard anyone humming or whistling or singing a current "hit?" If today's music has any melody at all, it isn't worth remembering long enough to hum it. Kids these days are so narrow-minded in their musical tastes that they're nearly brain dead. I got into broadcasting at the height of the Top 40 format. Back in those days, a song from any genre could be a hit. The charts were shared by the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Roy Rogers, the Carpenters, the Supremes, Johnny Cash, Dean Martin and on and on and on. I'm not sure when I stopped listening to contemporary music, but I couldn't name a current hit to save my life. Thank heaven for XM radio.

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