Saturday, July 09, 2005

How to End Islamic Terrorism

The popular notion among the self-loathing left is that the West is being subjected to terrorist attacks because we are wealthy, we are greedy, and we trample upon the weak to gain our wealth. Well, let's put this into perspective. There are 21 Muslim countries in the world. They sit atop 75% of the world's oil reserves. Yet COMBINED, they have a GDP (gross domestic product) that is less than the country of Spain! That is not the fault of the United States nor any other non-Muslim country. That is the fault of a religious, political and economic system that is mired in the 7th century and refuses to modernize. That is the fault of Muslim leaders (i.e. royalty, clerics, fanatics.) who refuse to give up wealth and power to feed the poor. That is the fault of corruption that is endemic in every single one of these countries. The Arab streets need to rise up and and TAKE the wealth and power from their slave masters. Only democracy will elevate you. Only democracy will empower you. And I mean real democracy, not the corrupt joke that is Indonesia. Join the rest of humanity in the 21st century. Only in a free society can people be all they want to be. Muslim countries the world over are not free.

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