Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Missing Persons Channel (MPC)

Insomniac Michelle Malkin posted a piece Saturday about what she called "Missing Pretty Girl Syndrome." Other bloggers have posted similar articles under similar names talking about television's propensity to run stories about attractive (white) women who go missing. What a golden opportunity for some imaginative entrepreneur! So many thousands of people disappear in this country every year that it would easily support a 24-hour missing persons cable news channel. On a 24/7 missing persons news channel, there would be plenty of time to cater to the people who say missing persons stories are too "white." In fact, there would be so much diversity that you could have specialty shows. Connie Chung could report on missing Asians. Paris Hilton could report on missing blonds, Michael Jackson on missing boys (maybe there really IS a Never Never Land), etc. Why, there could even be shows about people who haven't disappeared, but have suddenly appeared out of nowhere -- illegal immigrants, people who have disappeared, changed their identity and suddenly reappeared as someone else, etc. And, of course, Geraldo Rivera would be the chief correspondent. I tell you, this would be a goldmine! I'm too old and lazy to do it, but I would except any residuals you'd care to throw my way for the idea.