Stern lectures for the logically-challenged. Others have opinions, I have convictions.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
This Day in Republican History 05/11/05
May 11, 1949
Birth of African-American Republican and sharecropper’s daughter Janice Rogers Brown, nominated by President George W. Bush as Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals
The Democrats are pulling every dirty trick they know to prevent Judge Brown from being confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals -- everything except actually giving her the benefit of a vote in the Senate. Never mind that voting yes or no is their job. None of them were elected to vote maybe. Janice Rogers Brown is the liberals' anti-Christ. And here's one reason why. Speaking at a Red Mass, here's what she said about athiesm and secular humanism:
Playing off Abraham Lincoln's 1862 message to Congress, in which he said the United States was "the last best hope of Earth," Brown asked what the 13th president would think if he were to see the nation today. America, an increasingly secular culture in which only the trivial is tolerated, was formed by a religious conscience, Brown said. "When we move away from that, we change our whole conception of the most significant idea that America has to offer, which is this idea of human freedom and this notion of liberty," Brown said...
Brown said she wouldn't discuss justices or nominees, and talked about a growing hostility to faith and the expression of religion in America. It is pushed by atheistic humanism, which has changed the way Americans think about freedom, she said.
Atheistic humanism "handed human destiny over to the great god, autonomy, and this is quite a different idea of freedom," Brown said. "Freedom then becomes willfulness."
Trying to be tolerant of others is good, but multiculturalism has turned against any religion with an absolute sense of right and wrong, Brown said. "You can be spiritual. You can meditate as long as you don't have a book that says something about right and wrong," she said. "There seems to have been no time since the Civil War that this country was so bitterly divided. It's not a shooting war, but it is a war . . . These are perilous times for people of faith, not in the sense that we are going to lose our lives, but in the sense that it will cost you something if you are a person of faith who stands up for what you believe in and say those things out loud."
There is no way liberals will allow a person with this sense of morality and commen sense have a shot at the Supreme Court.