The cable channel Current will launch in August with 15-second to five-minute "pods" on subjects from fashion to finance plus Google's search headlines.
It will also encourage its 18-34 audience to make their own TV packages.
Current's website will offer editing software and tutorials for viewers to post their videos on the site. A vote will pick the best ones to be shown on TV.
WOOHOO!! What a GOLDEN opportunity to mess with someone!! What do you want to bet that every cynic in the country (including liberals) will be submitting the most off-the-wall stuff they can think of to these dopes? This just sounds like public access TV to me. What's so revolutionary about that? He thinks people will get hooked on teenagers broadcasting from their basement? Sounds like a cheap ripoff of "The Great White North," eh? What a hoser.
"We have no intention of being a Democratic channel, a liberal channel, or a TV version of Air America," he said, referring to the liberal radio network. "That's not what we're all about."
The guy who literally foams at the mouth when he raves about President Bush isn't going to steer his channel to the left? THAT I gotta see! And I can understand why he doesn't want to be a TV version of Airogant America. That dismal concept would have been flushed long ago if it hadn't received financial support from left-wing psychos like and George Soros. More on Airhead America here.
I tried, actually TRIED to listen to Air Anti-America once and just couldn't do it. I lasted about 20 minutes and gave up before I became suicidal. It was so negative, hateful, ignorant, stupid and downright boring that I had to switch over to something else. I think it was The Lone Ranger. I missed 20 minutes of The Lone Ranger on XM Radio just for trying to be fair. It's really true -- no good deed goes unpunished.
When will his family finally take pity on Al Gore and pull his feeding tube?