Friday, March 25, 2005

Is This Judge a Serial Killer?

Terri Schiavo is not Judge George W. Greer's first victim. In 1998, Greer denied an injunction for a wife seeking protection from her husband. In the paperwork presented, Greer noted that the woman had not listed any acts of violence by the man. He denied the injunction. Within days, the husband stabbed the woman to death. Greer said he followed the law. I'm sure the dead woman's family and friends got a lot of comfort from that. If the only qualification for being a judge is following the law, why don't we replace the entire judiciary with computers? If humanity is not a job requirement, why do we need these arrogant judicial activists messing up the country? Had I been a judge who made this kind of horrific mistake, I would have quit the bench and could never forgive myself. Not this guy. He's at it again. Greer has consistently come down on the side of death in Terri Schiavo's case. He has accepted hearsay testimony from her adultrous husband, while throwing out sworn affidavits from health workers who cared for Traci as "not credible." He has ignored or blocked any evidence and has disallowed any testing that might answer questions in this case. Meanwhile Traci starves to death in a room she hasn't been allowed to leave for years, doomed by the circular arguement that she needs to die to end her suffering, but she isn't suffering from starvation because she's in a vegetative state, but she has to die to end her suffering, but she isn't suffering from starvation because she........ She can't even take communion because priests have been told if they put a communion wafer in her mouth, they will be immediately arrested. I expect Judge Greer will soon be able to claim his second trophy. I wonder who will be the third.