Stern lectures for the logically-challenged. Others have opinions, I have convictions.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Bloggers vs Journalists
Bloggers and journalists are at odds. You'd think journalists would welcome the help. You'd think that the more truth there is out there, the more stories are out there, the more people breaking important stories, the happier journalists would be. I mean, journalism is about truth, justice and the American way, isn't it? Nope. Instead of appreciation, what do bloggers get from journalists?
Salivating morons." "Scalp hunters." "Moon howlers." "Trophy hunters." "Sons of Sen. McCarthy." "Rabid." "Blogswarm." "These pseudo-journalist lynch mob people."
The jig is up. Journalists are coming to the realization that the days of forming an opinion piece and then building a hard news story around it are over. The bloggers will trip them up every time they try it. But they aren't giving up quietly. Bloggers had better watch their step, because every time they post something that can be even marginally refuted, the msm will pile on. Their tactic is to destroy the messenger, not the message. And at that, they are very good.
Peggy Noonan (whom I refer to as Sweetie-Pie) has an excellent column today that describes what's going on. Maybe even some journalists will understand it.