Thursday, December 30, 2004


I think the one word that pops up in blogs more than any other is "bored." "I'm SOOOO bored!" "I started a blog because I'm bored." "The holidays are so boring!" Apparently, none of these people possess a library card. How can any thinking being -- and I'm assuming only thinking beings have the capacity to be bored -- become bored in this day and age? With the Internet particularly, the known universe is at our fingertips. And if that's boring, there's the library, TV, radio, just looking out a window. Information and entertainment are literally dropping out of the sky. I can't recall ever being bored when I was growing up in rural North Dakota. I think we got one TV channel and that was usually snowy. Back in those days, TV signed on in the late morning and signed off about 10-11 pm. But in the attic were dozens and dozens of books left by my parents, aunts and uncles. National Geographics that dated back to the 1920s. The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Hopalong Cassidy, even the Lone Ranger. I became such an avid reader, the bookmobile couldn't keep up with me. I read the books faster than they could rotate them and was always pestering the librarian about the turnover. And when I got tired of reading, I hiked for miles around the countryside. Not a lot of fat kids back in those days. But a google search turned up 7,820,000 hits for "bored." I don't know what that signifies, but I'm thinking that it's the fault of a public school system that no longer teaches how to think, but what to think.